Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I can get away with shit cuz Im a fatass beaurocrat

Its taken 19 years and finally the finger is pointed at the right guy.
Lets rewind, thers a lunatic cop whose a pervert and he lays his hands on this girl, molests her and spoils her life.
If thats not bad enough, then he threatens her and she kills herself. And then he threatens her family.

So lets do the math, thats 3 offences for which he should atleast get a life term. Atleast. ATLEAST.

Now since hes a corrupt bitch of a beaurocrat hes got ppl who A**es hes kissed before to protect him.
So the guy runs and hides for 19 years and when hes finally busted........

6 months in jail and 1000 Rs fine.

Wow. I would like to kill both the guy who molested and the guy who wrote his sentence.

And probably, Ruchika has the support of over a billion Indians who would like this to happen.
Will justice prevail?? Lets hope so

Barge in at Hagen

It was in the front pages of major newspapers all over the world a week or so back.

The climate change summit at Copenhagen, Denmark.
I had been following the news leading up to Hagen and it was a frenzy.

Barack Obama after his to China seemed an equal to Wen Jibao. Its definitely been the decade of the dragon. The economic surge in the first half of the decade, the economic stablility when the rest of the world was in metldown and the Beijing Olympics all come to show that China is a force to deal with.

Our own Dr.Manmohan Singh flew to washington with the hope of getting a slice of the pie and maybe he did.

At Hagen it was more a 2 way battle, between the developed and the developing world. And stuck in between were the BASIC countries.

Personally, I felt the BASIC countries handled the summit extremely well. I mean they did have to bat for the developing nations but at the same time responsibilities were loaded on them by the west.

I think the US target of reducing carbon emissions by 4 % is a joke. Its hypocricy if you expect to lead the world and yourself are willing to do little.

One article I read in the papers spoke about how Barack Obama barged into the room where the BASIC countries were having thier discussions. An uninvited guest ...well is okay with us here in India considering we're pretty hospitable. Maybe its the same in China, Brazil and South Africa as well.

Either way, it turns out that this uninvited guest held his hosts at gunpoint in order to chalk out a deal. Not literally but yes thats what happened at Hagen. A barge in.

The deal questinable in itself has probably created a rift between the developed world and the developing world. Why should countries like Haiti allow the US to monitor thier climate policies when the US themselves are willing to only to buy the land(cuz they've got the money) and expect the others to do the farming??

At the end of the day, the big question is how are we going to achieve what we set out to do??
Reducing carbon emissions is a tall order in India since bulk of the nation still uses firewood and charcoal as thier major fuel. India is in one of those grey areas where the plan is set but how it is to be executed is still unknown.

Even if it is known, considering the execution of the Commonwealth games "plans", i think we're in for one rough ride

End of an era

Its been what 4 months since I last blogged. Feels good to be typing again. The last few months have just rolled on in fast forward. Crazy shits happened.

And crazy shits happened to Liverpool as well. Ever since the departure of a certain Xabi Alonso they've been sinking. Out of the champions league and fighting for a top 4 spot its been a bad season. Period.

By the looks of it they're gonna have to fight hard to qualify for next years champions league. If they dont, then it brings to the end an era.
Neutrals will always miss liverpool from the Champions league and for a reason too.
European club football history does not have a place for the likes of Arsenal or Chelsea because they have never been champions of Europe. And it will always remember John Terry walking through the Moscow rain and slipping to literally handing the trophy to United.

But European football history will always remember Bruce Grobelaar's dilly dallying to make 3 saves in a row to give Liverpool thier third European trophy in 5 years. It will remember the magical night of Istanbul May 2005 when Steven Gerrard led the Reds to a remarkable comeback.

Whether they are in it or not, Liverpool are right up there with Real Madrid and AC Milan as of the legendary teams of Europe and this spirit is felt to this day at the Kop end at Anfield.

Sceptics may say that its over for Liverpool but in doing so are they overlooking the fact that the Reds have set the bar so high, its gonna take a while before the other teams catch up.

They might say we live in history but thats what is remembered over the years and not when a team gets eliminated.

Or maybe after 2 wins in a row, are the comeback kings at it again??

Saturday, September 5, 2009

And we're back....

mighty long time since ive blogged ....
yea happens with EEE 3rd year ur freee time starts getting squeezed more n more.

It was a pretty eventful summer up north in chandigarh. Some good work worth publishing in an international journal(hopefully), a wild trip to manali and shimla and most importantly lots n lots n lots of bird watching :P . Chandigarh is an amazing place and 2 months there was awesome.

Back in goa its pissing down like its never rained before. Amidst all the gloomy weather,
lifes taken some unexpected turns. Acads are killing which is more or less what i expected. But Liverpool losing 2 outta thier opening 3 games in the EPL .. damn that wasnt supposed to happen. Some relationship issues got me to be single again and i think the safest thing to say would be things dint go according to plan.

I temporarily had awesome speakers in my room and listening to metal was never better .
Pretty boring ..yea thats what life has become. The next best thing to look forward to is WAVES winter in the first week of November. I hear people saying Amon Amarth , the swedish band is in the pipeline and if that happens .........kickass \m/ .

Well haven't got time to write bout the entire manali trip but it'll be out sometime, and yeah what an crazy trip that was.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

All in the width of a Post

Man Utd hav won the premier league title for the record 18th time. Credit to them well done.
But then thers all this talk about them knocking Liverpool off thier perch of 18 league titles.

Whats all the bullshit about?
Man Utd have knocked no1 off any perch. They jsut achieved what Liverpool achieved 20 years ago. As far as logic sees it both the clubs have equal number of league titles and Liverpool have won more European titles than Utd.

Well I don want any Utd fan to think that im being biased here but Im sure even they will admit that Liverpool pushed Utd all the way to the title. Yes end of the day all that matters is who has more points but its certainly a thin margin.

Utd have won the league by 4 points playing an almost full strength squad throughout the season. Liverpool on the other hand have been plagued by injuries to the 2 most influential players Gerrard and Torres. What might have been if those 2 had played more of this season??

Looking back I can recall Sami Hyypia hitting the post against Hull City when the score was 2-2.
I remember Steven Gerrard Hitting the post twice against stoke City and the game finished 0-0.
I remember Yossi Benayoun hitting the post against West Ham which finished 0-0.

If any of those had gone in it might have been a totally different story today. But thats football for you sometimes the ball goes in sometimes it doesnt.

Im not taking anything away from Utd or thier fans who read this. Hats off to them for equalling Liverpool's record.

But my gut feeling says that next season we'll be back stronger and more determined and its gonna be a whole new ball game.

Friday, April 24, 2009

What a Game

Liverpool vs Arsenal at Anfield......What a game

Last year when the two sides met in the Champions league quarterfinals it was a thriller with the game swingin one way and then the other. Liverpool finally won 4-2 sending them into the semis.

With this in mind I sat down to watch the game hoping I don't get the adrenaline rush watching the game last year and the week before when Liverpool drew 4-4 with Chelsea another heart stopper.

The game began and Liverpool were brilliant and created wonderful chances and i was thinkin in my head its only gonna be a matter of time before they score.

Then came the first rush of blood to the head. Some stupid defending and Arshavin scored for Arsenal. At halftime I was still positive that the reds could nick this one.

After halftime Torres and Benayoun scored right away and I was rejoicing. Then came the second rush of blood to the head. Some more sloppy defending and Arshavin scored a beauty.
2-2 and I was still hopeful while all the Manu fans round me were over the moon.

It got worse when some more horrid defending gave ARshavin his Hatrick. Liverpool were trailing 2-3 and the title was slipping away.

Hope. Torres with another beauty made it 3-3. The mood in the room was filled with tension. All the United fans hoping that Arsenal score again and the liverpool fans hoping that we score again.

90 minutes were up and it was still 3-3. From a Liverpool corner Theo Walcott picked up the ball and started sprinting his ass off. Frankie next to me immediately says this is gonna be a goal.

I couldnt believe my eyes as Arshavin scored his fourth of the night. The Manu fans were jumping in joy and I was in depair with hands over my head.

But knowing Liverpool they're fighters and back they came with another goal.
4-4. Incredible.

Thats the way it finished and Although Utd fans were smiling at the end of it. That yet could prove to be a decisive point.

Im sure all the neutrals would have enjoyed it.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The comeback kings

April 14 2009
Venue: Stamford Bridge London

The eve of the 20th anniversary of the hillsborough tragedy where 96 fans went to support their favourite football team Liverpool FC and never returned home.

The stage was set for the quarterfinal of the UEFA champions league quarter finals. Liverpool and Chelsea having met each other 5 succesive seasons in the competetion played out one of the most fantastic football matches ever witnessed.

Liverpool had been bbeaten at Anfield and had conceded 3 away goals and they needed to score 3 to stay in the competetion.

Stamford Bridge has been Chelsea's fortress where no team has ever scored 3 on a European night. The odds were against Liverpool.

Surprse surprise within 30 mins Liverpool were 0-2 up and they looked set for another improbable astonishing comebacks.

Liverpool arent called the comeback kings for nothing. They fight till the very death and never believe its over until its over.

Proof well.......

Anfield 1994-Liverpool vs Manchester Utd- Utd were 3-0 up within 20 mins but the reds fought back to draw level 3-3

Basel 2001- Basel were 3-0 at halftime and things looked bleak for Liverpool until they fought back again to make it 3-3.

Istanbul 2005- Hailed as the greatest comeback ever, Liverpool 3-0 down in the final of the champions league final against a Milan side who were playing football out f this world, came back to draw 3-3 and eventually won the Champions league.

City of Manchester Stadium 2008- Man City were 2-0 to the good at the break before they felt a resurgent Liverpool who came back to win it 2-3.

So things looked as though Liverpool were going to produce one of thier remarkable comebacks ever. However Chelsea came back strongly after the break and scored thrice in succesion.

Things looked over for the Reds but they fought thier way back again to make it 4-3.

The game ended 4-4 and Chelsea credit to them are through to the semi finals but every Liverpool fan including myself can hold our heads high for we support a team which never ceases to believe and never gives up.

We'll definitely never walk alone.....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Whats all the hype abput?

In a coupla weeks theres gonna be elections.

The hype surrounding it is appaling. I think its a leaf taken out of the US presidential elections.

But seriously how much of a difference does a new government make. In terms of promises and bullshit yes they're the biggest liars but how much do they actually do?

Now dont get me wrong I don think all our politicians are lame and illiterate criminals. I have a lot of respect for our PM Dr Manmohan Singh cuz hes so qualified and he has a lot of sense in his head. Same thing with SM Krishna very educated very aware. So on with Sonia Gandhi and Lalu Yadav and P Chidambram . But these are a few ripe fruits in a basket of rotten ones.

I mean imagine Mayavati or Shibu Soren leading our country? They cant even speak proper English(Not that Lalu can but his work speaks tons about him).

Imagine Raj Thackeray or some communist dude from Kerala holding office. The same damn thing is gonna happen all over again. Religious segregation, rigid ideas, low tolerance, and the country goes to the dogs with terror attacks, inflation and wat not.

I don think my vote is gonna make a difference. Im gonna get some stick for saying this. But i dont think thers one party with even 50 % candidates good enough to run a proper govt.

Lets hope atleast the few right ppl get a major say in running the country

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Man United who??

U know its been a while coming.

Man Utd "supposedly" the most supported club in the world. They're champs of england europe and the world.

Well Liverpool are the most successful club in England, the most successful English club in Europe and probably the most passionately supported club in the world.

So when these two sides met at OLD TRAFFORD(the home of man u) it was an explosive game will the premier league hanging in the balance.

As a Liverpool fan ur born to hate united and vice versa and its always good to see Liverpool beating united. That happened earlier this season at Anfield when Liverpool won 2-1.

But its even better to see Liverpool beating United at Old Trafford. At its sweeter to see Liverpool THRASH united like what happend yesterday. 1-4 Liverpool won and man utd harldy looked like champions of the first division let alone the world.

It was delightful to hear the Liverpool fans singing You'll Never Walk Alone at the home of thier most hated rivals. It would have stung the ears of all those united fans to hear the Liverpool chants of "We won it 5 times".

United fans will be very very sore because Liverpool have beaten them twice this season and even more so because they got whopped at home.All the bragging rights are ours and what a great day it was yesterday.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mash Mash Mash

There are a very few things in life which im obsessed about and its not just obsessed its OBBBBSSSSSEESSSSEEEDDD.

One of them is Liverpool Football Club.

I can write pages about thier history and about how they are the most sucessful club in England, and the best english club in europe.

But lets stick to the present.

Last nite was Real Madrid vs Liverpool at the Santiago Bernabeu. Liverpool were without Steven Gerrard(about whom im gonna write a blog soon). 

Fernando Torres was injured in the game and generally people tend to visualize Liverpool as an ordinary side without Gerrard and Torres. Think again. Yossi Benayoun scored the winner as the Reds won 0-1 and have a precious away goal.

Well thers this tiny Argentinian guy called Javier Mascherano who plays defensive midfield. He was the best guy on the park for me. Amazing ball winner, tackles hard, gets the ball outta players feet, sets up counters. In short brilliant. People love watching goals, I do too but thers something about a hard crunch tackle which is fair and not many people can do it cleaner than Mash.

Hats off Mash you're superb.

Come March the 10th Madrid come to anfield a place which Liverpool havent lost for over a year. Things look really rosy for the reds

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thank God for

Thank you god for the following reasons

1) Lime juice
2) Chocolate( all forms included)
5) Beaches with shacks
6) Friends(I don mean the TV show)
7) Parents
8) Sleep

Friday, February 6, 2009

What is Indian culture?

I know I know this is one of the topics which should be in a philosophy book or a sanyasi or someone should be preaching about it.

But Ive been reading the papers for the last few days and if you have too then you'll find it relevant.

You see this bunch of losers called Ram Sene has come out of nowhere claiming they "know" Indian culture.

The head dude has 50 odd criminal cases pending against him and hes roaming free on bail. But wait Im not gonna bitch about the Indian administrtaion how much it sucks and bla!!

These idiots think they know Indian culture. But what is Indian culture for starters??

Yes its the oldest culture in the world and bla but wait thers more to it. If you rip open Indian culture you'll find there are hundreds, thousands possibly millions of cultures all intertwined with one another. Indian culture has evolved over the years by allowing people of other cultures to settle and then getting a leaf out of thier culture and making it part of thier own.

HISTORY LESSON: It was the dravidian culture, then came the Aryans, cultures mixed and a new culture evolved. Then came a varitey of cultures from east asia, china, persia and the middle east. Then came the british and imposed a bit of thier culture on us.

The indian culture has just been a mixing of these various cultures each with its own variation.


Now the problem with the Ram Sene is that probably these guys never took thier schooling seriously and flunked it which is why they are doing what they are. :P

But seriously these guys are living in the 1500s?? The whole worlds a smaller place today and mixing of cultures is just a routine thing. These guys need a kick in the ass to remind them of that.

The worst part is that they're a bunch of 50 odd losers who are pobabl doing this shit cuz some politician is filling his pockets and they get all they media attention in the country. I mean cmon thers a billion and a half people in India and some 50 odd dumfucks from the 1500s are causing trouble. Thrwo them behind bars. Beat the shit out of them. 

The guy's got a problem if women drink because its not in our culture?? Who in the fucking world is he to decide what is "our" culture?? I doubt if the illiterate dumfuck can decide his own culture whether its barbaric or savage. 

Hes got a problem with valentine's day. Well I think i know why. He was a loser at school so he probably never had a girlfriend so he never got laid. Obviously he flunked school so he never got into college so no chicks for him there. Or even if he did get into by paying a enormous amount of his dads money, he was probably the biggggggest turn off in his college.

Today its drinking and valentines day. Tomorrow hes gonna come and break my ipod cuz im listening to metallica and ask me to listen to yakshagana songs?? Mayb a week later he'll ban Jockey underwear cuz they dont figure in the vedas?? Mayb two weeks later they'll ban computers and laptops and as us to do calculations using and abacus???

Its about time these guys were made to shut the fuck up and locked up in prison


Friday, January 30, 2009

Something that ill never understand

MuthIts beena while since i posted lasted maily cuz i was busy with my RF reciever for IIT Bombays Techfest. That was an experience in itself which ill write about some othertime.

A coupla days bac I was at Panjim doing some sponsorship work for my college fests. I was at a chat shop called Chat Street talkin to the manager guy when a gang of girls walked in.

One of the girls was carrying a bunch of papers and they fell down. Now what would u do when something of that sort happens?? U turn and look at what happened. 

Thats wat I did just like any normal person would, nothing intentional about it just normal reaction.

Now this girl thinks that im trying to look down her shirt, gets all concious and pulls it up and stuff.
For the next 10 odd minutes shes givin me wierd looks.

The minute I walked out of that Chat shop I was irritated. Is this the way all women look at men? That they've got nothing else to do other than peek??

Then I got back to my hostel and was watchin the news when I saw that some women had been molested in a pub at Mangalore by a bunch of losers who cant accept that women also can drink.

I realised that its because of these sonsabitches that every Indian girl is insecure bout herself.
They call themselves Sri Ram Sena , watever in the world thats supposed to mean cuz im sure molesting women is not something you do in Gods name.

You read today in the papers bout the atrocities of people like Raj Thackeray, Muthalik and the other bastards who think only thier culture is right. I think its about time the public shows our politicians and the police and all the administrative shit the middle finger and take these mentally retarded fanatics to task. Kill them if you have to cuz they have killed.

Again today morning I was watching the news and I saw the Muthalik or watever his name is guy has 48 cases against him many amounting to murder and hes gonna be let off on bail??

Now that I think of it I dont blame that girl in the chat shop for what she did.
But then again there are good guys in this world and I hope that women dont brand all men to be of the same kind.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Gunners or whiners :part 2

This blog is again bout arsenal. And for all those gunners out there who are pissed off bout my last post well take it easy this one's different.

Well for all thier whining and moaning I have enjoyed watching arsenal play over the years. Although I loathed watching them win I admired the football that the combination of players like Bergkamp, Viera, Pires, Henry and Ljunberg put together. 

The reason Arsenal are struggling today is cuz they've failed to replace these guys. Wenger took arsenal to new highs but now i think hes ruined it. For me Fabregas is the only player who is of the same calibre of the above mentioned players. 

I mean compare Adebayor and Henry. Cmon even arsenal fans will admit that its a no comparison.

I also think it was a mistake building the emirates stadium. Yes Arsenal can seat more fans now but they're outta cash to bring in players of quality. Its only a matter of time before Cesc packs his bags and heads for some spanish club mostly Barca cuz thats whr arsenal have sold some of thier players like Henry and Hleb.

Wenger has to act sooner or later and get his team out of trouble or elz thers only one direction arsenal are gonna go. Down.

But thers speculation that Mr. Wenger himself might pack his bags and leave a hapless arsenal to go to the Bernabeu. Interesting if that happens.......................................................................

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The thin line.........

Growing up as an indian kid is hard. Im sure all you Indian kids out there will agree.

Indian parents are hard on thier kids n im sure most of yall will agree. We all complain that our parents dont let us do stuff that we really want to.

Thers a thin line which is almost impossible to reach. 
I guess we must realise that our parents are probably the only ones who care about us dearly. They're the only ones whom we can really turn to when weve screwd up and they're probably the only ones who are gonna forgive us for being stupid.
We complain about them not givin us money to spend but we don realise that all the good stuff we have is from thier hard earned money.
We complain when we're not allowed to go out with our friends on every holiday we get but we also dont realise that on every holiday they get they look forward to spending time with us and we want to go out with friends and eventually they give in.

But thers another side of the coin.
Most Indian parents dont realise that thers a huge generation gap between them and us. 
They dont realise that whatever was taboo then is ok today and they are very finiky about it.
And most of them expect us to follow what they've been practising without allowing us to exercise our opinion about it.

But at the end of the day the onus falls on us to find the small space of understanding what they want and understanding what we want.

I love my parents and im tryin to find that thin line. 

Its hard but i guess ill get to it someday

Will post soon
Till then
Happy Lohri

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Gunners or Whiners???

English football is brilliant. The pace,  tempo, atmosphere and passion in it makes it what it is. Its a game played hard and players put everything into each and every pass tackle or shot they make.

A north london club called Arsenal is one of the major clubs in England. Gunners they are called for thier history or some shit.

But in actuality they're just whiners. Ok they can pass the ball around and play flowery football but you've got to be tough enough to take tackles on.

Wind the clock all the way back to 2001, the FA cup final. Arsenal had battered Liverpool for 83 mins and were leading 1-0. Last 7 minutes Liverpool played some tough football, got some tackles in and Michael Owen scored a brace  and won the cup for pool. 

End of the game Arsene Wenger comes out n says"Liverpool did not play well enough to win. The cup is rightfully ours".

2003 season Arsenal played Man Utd at Highbury. They battered united again for most of the game. Ruud Van Nistelrooy won a penatly in the dying seconds. What happened later is irrelevant but again the in post match interview Martin Keown comes out saying "The difference in quality of football between us and them is appalling. The only chance in the game they had was the penalty". 

Come to the present season :Arsenal played Stoke City at the Brittania stadium. Stoke are a physical side and present very little space for the opposition to play. Of course Mr Wenger again expects his opposition to not touch his delicate darlings and sit and watch havin a cuppa tea while his "kids" pass the ball around. Stoke went on to beat Arsenal and guess wat Wenger said "Stoke were not intrested in playing football. They deliberately tried to injure our players. We were stopped from playing true football"

Not gonna happen. Arsenal can go to division one although i doubt they're gonna have much success there.

The english game is all about being physical. If u get tackled or crunched u get up and move on with it not sit and whine like Arsenal do. Well if you do you'll probably end up losing 4th place to Aston Villa 

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Workshop Woes

A couple of days back i saw a notice on my hostel board on a workshop on micro controllers.

Now Ive worked with PSoCs before and i kinda enjoyed working on them so i thought why not lets give it a try mayb it'll work out.

So i paid 850 bucks(thank god it was only that much) and enrolled myself. One of my friends wanted to enroll but she cudn cuz she was too late. She was dissapointed that she cudn get it so i thought i was pretty lucky.

The workshop started and how the roles reversed. I was the unlucky one. I don wanna be sued for defamation but ppl at BITS know which workshop im talkin about. It was shit worse than i had ever imagined. 

It was a 4 day workshop and at the end of the 1st day i was already offering my seat to ppl. It was so bad that ppl werent even intrested in a 2nd hand seat.

So i enter the third day facing 6 hrs(a minimum) of torture ruining the first sunday of my new semester. If this is a sign of things to come well .................................................................nothing.

Slumdog reality

I watched Slumdog Millionaire yesterday.

Brilliant movie, realistic and very very appropriate for today's India.

I never used to watch Indian movies when i was at school and for a very very valid reason.

They were shit.SHIT. No reality just create a hypothetical love situation boy meets girl they fall in love , run away and dance in the rain and run around trees.

Then the villain who also loves the girl comes and kidnaps her,shoots the hero. But wait the hero doesn die there he cant be killed that easy cuz he has the genes of superman.

The guy with half a dozen bullets up his ass still can fight off all the villians men. He gets shot in Bombay but can survive until he reaches Delhi that too in a train(An Indian train!!!!!) and kill the villian and save the heroine.

I mean cmon get real. That shits never gonna happen ANYWHERE. 

I mean where do 100 odd people gather all of a sudden and start dancing together?? And how come they change venues and clothing instantaneously??? One moment they're dancin in Kerala and the next moment they are in front of the Big Ben in London????? Wow!

I like movies which revolve around reality. Movies after watchin which I feel "hey thats possible".

But off late there have been a couple of Indian movies which are that way.
I really enjoyed watching Black, TZP, A Wednesday and now Slumdog Millionaire.

Im sure most of you would hv enjoyed them too.
Lets hope Indian cinema doesn go back to its melodramatic past

Centre Back Troubles

This blog is totally bout football.

I used to play a lot of soccer when i was at school. Ive played as striker, winger, defensive midfielder, wing back and full back and even goal keeper but never as a centre back.

A coupla days ago i went to play soccer.After joining college ive stuck to basketball n football's just been a now n then affair.

Well since I played with the college team that day and since most of them are better than me they wanted me to play centre back.

Hardest frigging thing ive ever done. Not that I did badly I was pretty decent. But playing at centre back is pretty tough.

Uve got to watch the ball, watch the guy ur marking, watch the back line if ur playin any1 onside, watch runs on either side of you, and even tell the guys in front what thier passing options are.

All this simultaneously. Its only after I played centre back that Ive started having a new level of respect for guys like Jamie Carragher, John Terry, Rio Ferdinand, Fabio Cannavaro, and the like.

These guys are the best centre backs in the world. They may not score plenty of goals or even do stepovers n shit but the job they do requires a lot of skill.

Ive seen Carra make some brilliant tackles n trust me when ur playing centre back uve got to get each n every tackle absolutely right.
Otherwise u may end up givin a penalty or a freekick in a dangerous area
u may get sent off or carded.
Or if ur unlucky both

Defending especially at centre back is hard and for those of you who adore the Messis and Kakas and Gerrards well the guys at the back too deserve your appreciation.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Gangtok: A role model

I had been to Gangtok this winter and this blog is completely  about it.

Lets see Gangtok is 7000 ft above sea level and its beautiful no question about it. Its got the himalyan air and aura to it. 

But that apart thers sumthin about gangtok which really impressed me. The cleanliness and the order of not just the city but thw whole state of sikkim. 

Let me break it up quickly
1) Anyone found spitting or littering is immediately fined 1500 bucks.
2) Anyone found smokin in public is fined 2500 bucks.
3) There are "walk only" zones in the city and any vehicle entering them is fined 500 bucks immediately.
4)The whole state doesn use plastic in any form.
5)(and most importantly) all the chicks there are hot :P :P

Well anyways I was mighty impressed by this. Littering is something which pisses me off bigtime. I mean let me start with my own campus. We do have dustbins at every nook and corner and despite that ppl still litter. Its just lack of civic sense that prevails in India.

It startles me that if a simple and small state like sikkim can be so clean why not the so called
" successful" states follow suit. Ive been to chennai and mumbai a couple of times, kolkata too. These 3 cities are just disgusting in terms of cleanliness chennai especially.

Ive lived in Bangalore all my life and relatively Bangalore is on the cleaner side. 

Well ppl might argue saying that in these metros the population is huge and managing cleanliness is difficult. Fact of the matter is not one spineless politician wants to impose fines for any of the above said reason only because they wont get votes.

Personally I think it can be done, its just a matter of who does it and when.

Im glad that thers atleast one place in India where ppl are responsible n i certainly do hope there are more which wud follow.

I had a good time in gangtok and its a good place to go.
Untill later
keep chillin

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

This is it

Its been more than while since ive wanted to start blogging.

My name's Ashwath. Im doing my Undergrad in Electrical n Electronics at BITS Pilani Goa.
Well im gonna write stuff straight from the head. No beating around the bush, no being displomatic and careful. No thats just not my style.

Anyways I hope every1 who reads my blogs gets something out of it be it sheer entertainment or moral values n stuff.

Will post soon 
until then 