Saturday, January 10, 2009

Slumdog reality

I watched Slumdog Millionaire yesterday.

Brilliant movie, realistic and very very appropriate for today's India.

I never used to watch Indian movies when i was at school and for a very very valid reason.

They were shit.SHIT. No reality just create a hypothetical love situation boy meets girl they fall in love , run away and dance in the rain and run around trees.

Then the villain who also loves the girl comes and kidnaps her,shoots the hero. But wait the hero doesn die there he cant be killed that easy cuz he has the genes of superman.

The guy with half a dozen bullets up his ass still can fight off all the villians men. He gets shot in Bombay but can survive until he reaches Delhi that too in a train(An Indian train!!!!!) and kill the villian and save the heroine.

I mean cmon get real. That shits never gonna happen ANYWHERE. 

I mean where do 100 odd people gather all of a sudden and start dancing together?? And how come they change venues and clothing instantaneously??? One moment they're dancin in Kerala and the next moment they are in front of the Big Ben in London????? Wow!

I like movies which revolve around reality. Movies after watchin which I feel "hey thats possible".

But off late there have been a couple of Indian movies which are that way.
I really enjoyed watching Black, TZP, A Wednesday and now Slumdog Millionaire.

Im sure most of you would hv enjoyed them too.
Lets hope Indian cinema doesn go back to its melodramatic past


  1. nice thought... oh but well... u get to c reality all the time around u.. so y not c fantasy for a change? when will u ever get to c ppl singin n running around trees when they're in "love"??

  2. wow Prarthna runs around trees singing when shes in love

    Thats new.Ill be sure to publicize that

  3. maccha...have you forgotten your own story, and my brilliant adaptive screenplay of it??

    Bhel puri onions.. etc.. ??
