Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Whats all the hype abput?

In a coupla weeks theres gonna be elections.

The hype surrounding it is appaling. I think its a leaf taken out of the US presidential elections.

But seriously how much of a difference does a new government make. In terms of promises and bullshit yes they're the biggest liars but how much do they actually do?

Now dont get me wrong I don think all our politicians are lame and illiterate criminals. I have a lot of respect for our PM Dr Manmohan Singh cuz hes so qualified and he has a lot of sense in his head. Same thing with SM Krishna very educated very aware. So on with Sonia Gandhi and Lalu Yadav and P Chidambram . But these are a few ripe fruits in a basket of rotten ones.

I mean imagine Mayavati or Shibu Soren leading our country? They cant even speak proper English(Not that Lalu can but his work speaks tons about him).

Imagine Raj Thackeray or some communist dude from Kerala holding office. The same damn thing is gonna happen all over again. Religious segregation, rigid ideas, low tolerance, and the country goes to the dogs with terror attacks, inflation and wat not.

I don think my vote is gonna make a difference. Im gonna get some stick for saying this. But i dont think thers one party with even 50 % candidates good enough to run a proper govt.

Lets hope atleast the few right ppl get a major say in running the country

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