Friday, February 6, 2009

What is Indian culture?

I know I know this is one of the topics which should be in a philosophy book or a sanyasi or someone should be preaching about it.

But Ive been reading the papers for the last few days and if you have too then you'll find it relevant.

You see this bunch of losers called Ram Sene has come out of nowhere claiming they "know" Indian culture.

The head dude has 50 odd criminal cases pending against him and hes roaming free on bail. But wait Im not gonna bitch about the Indian administrtaion how much it sucks and bla!!

These idiots think they know Indian culture. But what is Indian culture for starters??

Yes its the oldest culture in the world and bla but wait thers more to it. If you rip open Indian culture you'll find there are hundreds, thousands possibly millions of cultures all intertwined with one another. Indian culture has evolved over the years by allowing people of other cultures to settle and then getting a leaf out of thier culture and making it part of thier own.

HISTORY LESSON: It was the dravidian culture, then came the Aryans, cultures mixed and a new culture evolved. Then came a varitey of cultures from east asia, china, persia and the middle east. Then came the british and imposed a bit of thier culture on us.

The indian culture has just been a mixing of these various cultures each with its own variation.


Now the problem with the Ram Sene is that probably these guys never took thier schooling seriously and flunked it which is why they are doing what they are. :P

But seriously these guys are living in the 1500s?? The whole worlds a smaller place today and mixing of cultures is just a routine thing. These guys need a kick in the ass to remind them of that.

The worst part is that they're a bunch of 50 odd losers who are pobabl doing this shit cuz some politician is filling his pockets and they get all they media attention in the country. I mean cmon thers a billion and a half people in India and some 50 odd dumfucks from the 1500s are causing trouble. Thrwo them behind bars. Beat the shit out of them. 

The guy's got a problem if women drink because its not in our culture?? Who in the fucking world is he to decide what is "our" culture?? I doubt if the illiterate dumfuck can decide his own culture whether its barbaric or savage. 

Hes got a problem with valentine's day. Well I think i know why. He was a loser at school so he probably never had a girlfriend so he never got laid. Obviously he flunked school so he never got into college so no chicks for him there. Or even if he did get into by paying a enormous amount of his dads money, he was probably the biggggggest turn off in his college.

Today its drinking and valentines day. Tomorrow hes gonna come and break my ipod cuz im listening to metallica and ask me to listen to yakshagana songs?? Mayb a week later he'll ban Jockey underwear cuz they dont figure in the vedas?? Mayb two weeks later they'll ban computers and laptops and as us to do calculations using and abacus???

Its about time these guys were made to shut the fuck up and locked up in prison


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