Saturday, January 10, 2009

Centre Back Troubles

This blog is totally bout football.

I used to play a lot of soccer when i was at school. Ive played as striker, winger, defensive midfielder, wing back and full back and even goal keeper but never as a centre back.

A coupla days ago i went to play soccer.After joining college ive stuck to basketball n football's just been a now n then affair.

Well since I played with the college team that day and since most of them are better than me they wanted me to play centre back.

Hardest frigging thing ive ever done. Not that I did badly I was pretty decent. But playing at centre back is pretty tough.

Uve got to watch the ball, watch the guy ur marking, watch the back line if ur playin any1 onside, watch runs on either side of you, and even tell the guys in front what thier passing options are.

All this simultaneously. Its only after I played centre back that Ive started having a new level of respect for guys like Jamie Carragher, John Terry, Rio Ferdinand, Fabio Cannavaro, and the like.

These guys are the best centre backs in the world. They may not score plenty of goals or even do stepovers n shit but the job they do requires a lot of skill.

Ive seen Carra make some brilliant tackles n trust me when ur playing centre back uve got to get each n every tackle absolutely right.
Otherwise u may end up givin a penalty or a freekick in a dangerous area
u may get sent off or carded.
Or if ur unlucky both

Defending especially at centre back is hard and for those of you who adore the Messis and Kakas and Gerrards well the guys at the back too deserve your appreciation.

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