Saturday, September 5, 2009

And we're back....

mighty long time since ive blogged ....
yea happens with EEE 3rd year ur freee time starts getting squeezed more n more.

It was a pretty eventful summer up north in chandigarh. Some good work worth publishing in an international journal(hopefully), a wild trip to manali and shimla and most importantly lots n lots n lots of bird watching :P . Chandigarh is an amazing place and 2 months there was awesome.

Back in goa its pissing down like its never rained before. Amidst all the gloomy weather,
lifes taken some unexpected turns. Acads are killing which is more or less what i expected. But Liverpool losing 2 outta thier opening 3 games in the EPL .. damn that wasnt supposed to happen. Some relationship issues got me to be single again and i think the safest thing to say would be things dint go according to plan.

I temporarily had awesome speakers in my room and listening to metal was never better .
Pretty boring ..yea thats what life has become. The next best thing to look forward to is WAVES winter in the first week of November. I hear people saying Amon Amarth , the swedish band is in the pipeline and if that happens .........kickass \m/ .

Well haven't got time to write bout the entire manali trip but it'll be out sometime, and yeah what an crazy trip that was.

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