Friday, January 30, 2009

Something that ill never understand

MuthIts beena while since i posted lasted maily cuz i was busy with my RF reciever for IIT Bombays Techfest. That was an experience in itself which ill write about some othertime.

A coupla days bac I was at Panjim doing some sponsorship work for my college fests. I was at a chat shop called Chat Street talkin to the manager guy when a gang of girls walked in.

One of the girls was carrying a bunch of papers and they fell down. Now what would u do when something of that sort happens?? U turn and look at what happened. 

Thats wat I did just like any normal person would, nothing intentional about it just normal reaction.

Now this girl thinks that im trying to look down her shirt, gets all concious and pulls it up and stuff.
For the next 10 odd minutes shes givin me wierd looks.

The minute I walked out of that Chat shop I was irritated. Is this the way all women look at men? That they've got nothing else to do other than peek??

Then I got back to my hostel and was watchin the news when I saw that some women had been molested in a pub at Mangalore by a bunch of losers who cant accept that women also can drink.

I realised that its because of these sonsabitches that every Indian girl is insecure bout herself.
They call themselves Sri Ram Sena , watever in the world thats supposed to mean cuz im sure molesting women is not something you do in Gods name.

You read today in the papers bout the atrocities of people like Raj Thackeray, Muthalik and the other bastards who think only thier culture is right. I think its about time the public shows our politicians and the police and all the administrative shit the middle finger and take these mentally retarded fanatics to task. Kill them if you have to cuz they have killed.

Again today morning I was watching the news and I saw the Muthalik or watever his name is guy has 48 cases against him many amounting to murder and hes gonna be let off on bail??

Now that I think of it I dont blame that girl in the chat shop for what she did.
But then again there are good guys in this world and I hope that women dont brand all men to be of the same kind.

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