Saturday, January 10, 2009

Workshop Woes

A couple of days back i saw a notice on my hostel board on a workshop on micro controllers.

Now Ive worked with PSoCs before and i kinda enjoyed working on them so i thought why not lets give it a try mayb it'll work out.

So i paid 850 bucks(thank god it was only that much) and enrolled myself. One of my friends wanted to enroll but she cudn cuz she was too late. She was dissapointed that she cudn get it so i thought i was pretty lucky.

The workshop started and how the roles reversed. I was the unlucky one. I don wanna be sued for defamation but ppl at BITS know which workshop im talkin about. It was shit worse than i had ever imagined. 

It was a 4 day workshop and at the end of the 1st day i was already offering my seat to ppl. It was so bad that ppl werent even intrested in a 2nd hand seat.

So i enter the third day facing 6 hrs(a minimum) of torture ruining the first sunday of my new semester. If this is a sign of things to come well .................................................................nothing.

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