Thursday, January 8, 2009

Gangtok: A role model

I had been to Gangtok this winter and this blog is completely  about it.

Lets see Gangtok is 7000 ft above sea level and its beautiful no question about it. Its got the himalyan air and aura to it. 

But that apart thers sumthin about gangtok which really impressed me. The cleanliness and the order of not just the city but thw whole state of sikkim. 

Let me break it up quickly
1) Anyone found spitting or littering is immediately fined 1500 bucks.
2) Anyone found smokin in public is fined 2500 bucks.
3) There are "walk only" zones in the city and any vehicle entering them is fined 500 bucks immediately.
4)The whole state doesn use plastic in any form.
5)(and most importantly) all the chicks there are hot :P :P

Well anyways I was mighty impressed by this. Littering is something which pisses me off bigtime. I mean let me start with my own campus. We do have dustbins at every nook and corner and despite that ppl still litter. Its just lack of civic sense that prevails in India.

It startles me that if a simple and small state like sikkim can be so clean why not the so called
" successful" states follow suit. Ive been to chennai and mumbai a couple of times, kolkata too. These 3 cities are just disgusting in terms of cleanliness chennai especially.

Ive lived in Bangalore all my life and relatively Bangalore is on the cleaner side. 

Well ppl might argue saying that in these metros the population is huge and managing cleanliness is difficult. Fact of the matter is not one spineless politician wants to impose fines for any of the above said reason only because they wont get votes.

Personally I think it can be done, its just a matter of who does it and when.

Im glad that thers atleast one place in India where ppl are responsible n i certainly do hope there are more which wud follow.

I had a good time in gangtok and its a good place to go.
Untill later
keep chillin

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