Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The thin line.........

Growing up as an indian kid is hard. Im sure all you Indian kids out there will agree.

Indian parents are hard on thier kids n im sure most of yall will agree. We all complain that our parents dont let us do stuff that we really want to.

Thers a thin line which is almost impossible to reach. 
I guess we must realise that our parents are probably the only ones who care about us dearly. They're the only ones whom we can really turn to when weve screwd up and they're probably the only ones who are gonna forgive us for being stupid.
We complain about them not givin us money to spend but we don realise that all the good stuff we have is from thier hard earned money.
We complain when we're not allowed to go out with our friends on every holiday we get but we also dont realise that on every holiday they get they look forward to spending time with us and we want to go out with friends and eventually they give in.

But thers another side of the coin.
Most Indian parents dont realise that thers a huge generation gap between them and us. 
They dont realise that whatever was taboo then is ok today and they are very finiky about it.
And most of them expect us to follow what they've been practising without allowing us to exercise our opinion about it.

But at the end of the day the onus falls on us to find the small space of understanding what they want and understanding what we want.

I love my parents and im tryin to find that thin line. 

Its hard but i guess ill get to it someday

Will post soon
Till then
Happy Lohri

1 comment:

  1. right on...I do doubt that there are still parents who fail to acknowledge the generation gap though...

    imo,finding that line isn't that hard... you just have to be utterly truthful to yourself and to them.....and it doesn't hurt to let parents know you love them :D

    and absence DOES make the heart grow fonder :)
