Friday, March 18, 2011

They know...

All the last weeks headlines have been with the nuclear disaster in Japan.

Unprecedented yes, but every now and then nature reminds us that we've been screwing up too much with the environment.

Japan was prepared. Prepared for an earthquake upto a magnitude of 7.5, prepared for a tsunami upto 8m tidal waves.

But Japan was not prepared for an earthquake of 9 and a tsunami of over 10m tidal waves.

We're all aware of the wreckage that's been caused. Nuclear plants have blown, cities have been reduced to rubble and people have died. Radioactivity levels have reached an alarming high and the situation looks pallid.

But what's caught my attention most is the number 50........

50 men and women still work at Fukushima at this very moment. Even with the most modern of protection gear they're still exposed to over 1000 millisieverts of radiation a day.

To put that into perspective, its considered unsafe to be exposed to over 1 millisievert of radiation a year.

So they why did these 50 men and women decide to stay back at the one place where everyone was fleeing from?

Maybe it was faith. Maybe it was hope. Perhaps it was even the thought that the only chance of averting a far severe catastrophe was with them.

Irrespective of the reason, they're still there at Fukushima today, doing what they can. Maybe they will succeed, I really hope to god they do. But then again maybe they won't.

Nevertheless, they know.

They know its soon all over for them. I have no idea who these 50 people are, what their names are or what they look like.

But I hope that the world will know, remember and honor them for what they're doing. They are embodiments of the human spirit that lies dormant in most of us.

1 comment:

  1. Actually its 180 people, who work in shifts of 50 to avoid constant radiation exposure! popularely called the Fukushima's 50!

    They are the true heros of Japan =')
