Sunday, June 6, 2010

Last chance to dance.....

They came, they played and they rocked the hell out of Bangalore. Yes, India's hosted its first ever Lamb of God concert. And what better city to play at than the Mecca of Indian Rock, Bangalore.

So. on May 15, in the blistering heat at 2 'o clock metal heads in black tees lined up at Palace grounds. 4 Indian bands played prior to Lamb of God. Some were okay but the stand out was scribe.

As it turned dark slowly, the place filled up. About 8-10000 hardcore metal heads chanting LoG.

All of a sudden, the all familar drums of Chris Adler start beating. That was it. And from there on there were no limits. Willie starts playing and then Randy shows up with a scream.

I started off in the 4th row but somehow managed to get myself to the second row. It was unbelieveable, I was actually watching Randy willy and John Campbell perform live.

The set list was a mix of old and new songs, mostly notably from Sacrament. The whole atmostphere was electric and the lighting effects were unbelievable. Hats off to the ogranizers.

So right in the middle of the concert. Wille steps up and the spot lights on him. He starts strutting and that was probably the best blacken the Cursen Sun I've heard. They also played Ruin which was heavy as usual. Walk with me in hell prior to that was also killer.

For me the best part of the concert was when they played vigil. The opening was insane with all the lights and the smoke. And when Chris hit that first base pedal it was that kind of feeling where nothing else matters in the world.

Following that Randy comes up and says, heres a track that you've probably heard on some broken record. LAID TO REST man. By that time I was back in the mosh pit. Laid to rest is my favorite song of all times. This time there was really no limits. The mosh pit was really crazy. Nobody cared.

And finally, after 14 mindblowing songs, it was th last chance to dance to motherfuckers. Black Label. And what better way to finish. The circle pit was fucking enormous even comparable to the one in Vancouver.

Its a beginning and I think more metal bands are going to show up. Just hope they come to Bangalore. Opeth fucking went to chennai of all places. Thats like the anus of rock in India.

Lamb of God. Hats off and do come again.

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