Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I can get away with shit cuz Im a fatass beaurocrat

Its taken 19 years and finally the finger is pointed at the right guy.
Lets rewind, thers a lunatic cop whose a pervert and he lays his hands on this girl, molests her and spoils her life.
If thats not bad enough, then he threatens her and she kills herself. And then he threatens her family.

So lets do the math, thats 3 offences for which he should atleast get a life term. Atleast. ATLEAST.

Now since hes a corrupt bitch of a beaurocrat hes got ppl who A**es hes kissed before to protect him.
So the guy runs and hides for 19 years and when hes finally busted........

6 months in jail and 1000 Rs fine.

Wow. I would like to kill both the guy who molested and the guy who wrote his sentence.

And probably, Ruchika has the support of over a billion Indians who would like this to happen.
Will justice prevail?? Lets hope so

Barge in at Hagen

It was in the front pages of major newspapers all over the world a week or so back.

The climate change summit at Copenhagen, Denmark.
I had been following the news leading up to Hagen and it was a frenzy.

Barack Obama after his to China seemed an equal to Wen Jibao. Its definitely been the decade of the dragon. The economic surge in the first half of the decade, the economic stablility when the rest of the world was in metldown and the Beijing Olympics all come to show that China is a force to deal with.

Our own Dr.Manmohan Singh flew to washington with the hope of getting a slice of the pie and maybe he did.

At Hagen it was more a 2 way battle, between the developed and the developing world. And stuck in between were the BASIC countries.

Personally, I felt the BASIC countries handled the summit extremely well. I mean they did have to bat for the developing nations but at the same time responsibilities were loaded on them by the west.

I think the US target of reducing carbon emissions by 4 % is a joke. Its hypocricy if you expect to lead the world and yourself are willing to do little.

One article I read in the papers spoke about how Barack Obama barged into the room where the BASIC countries were having thier discussions. An uninvited guest ...well is okay with us here in India considering we're pretty hospitable. Maybe its the same in China, Brazil and South Africa as well.

Either way, it turns out that this uninvited guest held his hosts at gunpoint in order to chalk out a deal. Not literally but yes thats what happened at Hagen. A barge in.

The deal questinable in itself has probably created a rift between the developed world and the developing world. Why should countries like Haiti allow the US to monitor thier climate policies when the US themselves are willing to only to buy the land(cuz they've got the money) and expect the others to do the farming??

At the end of the day, the big question is how are we going to achieve what we set out to do??
Reducing carbon emissions is a tall order in India since bulk of the nation still uses firewood and charcoal as thier major fuel. India is in one of those grey areas where the plan is set but how it is to be executed is still unknown.

Even if it is known, considering the execution of the Commonwealth games "plans", i think we're in for one rough ride

End of an era

Its been what 4 months since I last blogged. Feels good to be typing again. The last few months have just rolled on in fast forward. Crazy shits happened.

And crazy shits happened to Liverpool as well. Ever since the departure of a certain Xabi Alonso they've been sinking. Out of the champions league and fighting for a top 4 spot its been a bad season. Period.

By the looks of it they're gonna have to fight hard to qualify for next years champions league. If they dont, then it brings to the end an era.
Neutrals will always miss liverpool from the Champions league and for a reason too.
European club football history does not have a place for the likes of Arsenal or Chelsea because they have never been champions of Europe. And it will always remember John Terry walking through the Moscow rain and slipping to literally handing the trophy to United.

But European football history will always remember Bruce Grobelaar's dilly dallying to make 3 saves in a row to give Liverpool thier third European trophy in 5 years. It will remember the magical night of Istanbul May 2005 when Steven Gerrard led the Reds to a remarkable comeback.

Whether they are in it or not, Liverpool are right up there with Real Madrid and AC Milan as of the legendary teams of Europe and this spirit is felt to this day at the Kop end at Anfield.

Sceptics may say that its over for Liverpool but in doing so are they overlooking the fact that the Reds have set the bar so high, its gonna take a while before the other teams catch up.

They might say we live in history but thats what is remembered over the years and not when a team gets eliminated.

Or maybe after 2 wins in a row, are the comeback kings at it again??